
Stepping into Light

This is one of the many verses I clung to in the early days of grief. Its truth yielded strength and peace; its solace incomparable. Hold these promises closely if you are going through a valley of despair or discouragement.
This verse spoke to my heart differently today. Isn’t it remarkable how God’s Word does that?! Fear can keep us paralyzed and unable to step out in faith. It doesn’t only plague us in the dark, but it can keep us from stepping into the Light OR being a light for others. The enemy loves to use logical fears to keep us from being bold in our faith. Before I published my book, all of these fears kept coming at me from every direction; all of the “what ifs” that made me question if I should move forward with the project. Can you afford it? Is it relatable? You aren’t a writer! What are you thinking?! It was always remarkable because when I was being pursued most closely by doubt, I would receive encouragement out of nowhere and inch forward a bit.
Then one day, I was hiking and talking to a friend who nailed it. “So what are you afraid of?” She asked nonchalantly. Before that moment, I hadn’t identified my misgivings as fears; they were “logical questionings!” Once she said that, I recognized the enemy in the midst of it! Those who know me know one of my favorite sayings is, “faith and fear cannot coexist!” After she said that, I stammered a few rationalizations, but I felt the shift in my spirit and was like, “oh, hail no Satan! I see you now!” I moved forward, turning the whole project over to God, who will always uphold us with His righteous right hand. To Him be all the honor and the glory! Step into his Light today!!
God is GOOD ~ ALL the time!

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